SOMEBODY please wake apala maestro, Ayinla Omowura, up. He’s got a message for certain Jezebels soiling this land with their silly behaviour. “Ise ile ni o ru won deta, iyawo osi elejowewe” (Home behaviour accompanies you to town, worthless wife, gainsayer), Omowura sang as he spotted the disastrous women of his day who scoffed at counsel. But Omowura could have sung till he dropped dead: bad women typically detest good ones and will never learn from them. Per the Greek tragedian Euripides: “There is no worse evil than a bad woman; and nothing has ever been produced better than a good one.”
Did you see the pathetic excuse of a student who beat up and buried her teeth in a lecturer’s body at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) this week? The man’s offence was asking her to stop impeding a public path. Home behaviour accompanied her to town and she wrote her story in dark letters. There is no evidence that she identifies as a dog, but the innocent lecturer is probably still nursing the pains of her canine assault. Sadly, a man waits in some corner ready, like a lady told someone in my hearing in Ondo town, to bring fire into his own home.
That patently ill-bred, violent, manipulative student at UNIZIK probably listens to a queen of Afropop, who wants “somebody’s son” to “find her” some day after selling off all the goods on her tray. These ladies leave their husbands citing infidelity, etc, then serve as side chicks and chickens to married men. Their anthem: “Somebody’s son go find me one day.” This is a cry for Mr Remnant Parker but do they even love themselves? Anyway, let me not get ahead of myself. After all, even porn stars find “love.” As a Nigerian lady said: “I am a porn star, not a prostitute”, confusing confusion.
Just like the #Me Too lunatics who ask society to “Believe women” instead of the evidence, and send men to hell, the UNIZIK lady who beat up a man old enough to be her father and thus courted curses that will accompany her for life unless she sincerely repents, is going to enter into a union but it will be a massive train wreck. She told a story that is so audaciously false that you have to wonder if she has any faculty under that forest of hair.
Hear her: “I didn’t even know he was a lecturer.” Just before this sentence, she had written this line: ‘Omo, see how this lecturer pushed me.” Let’s read the next lines that even Lucifer himself would have been loath to craft: “I pleaded with him, ‘sorry sir, why are you dragging my phone? But he remained silent, tugging at my phone until it fell and broke. I was left stunned, trying to comprehend the horror unfolding before me. As I realised my cleavage was exposed, I begged him to let me go, but he ignored my pleas, holding me firmly.” First off, her so-called dress barely covered her cleavage, which would have burst loose at the slightest hold. The lecturer did not touch the apprentice feminist. But let’s laugh off the next lie: “His nails and clutches left certain prints and scratches on my chest.” Thankfully, the manipulator was crushed by video evidence.
These ladies are rebellious, dirty, intransigent and useless. They can’t boil ordinary water; it will get burnt. They are pure garbage. After sending their husbands out of home, they start singing “Kasongo ye ye.” A church woman told her husband in Ondo: “You born, I born (Gloss: You are born again and so am I), what can you do to me?” Over to the English philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft: “No man chooses evil because it’s evil. He only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.” This is what the UNIZIK girl’s dustman will tell himself in future, quoting Alice Cooper: “Satan sent her from the bowels of hell, I should have recognised old Jezebel.”
Re: Nigerian men porting to Euro-America, accept my condolences
Mr Awolaja, really? The way you demonised women in that piece is so demoralizing. In fact, you almost made me regret God created me a woman! Mr Awolaja, do you really know what women go through in this part of the world? Do you know what you “almighty African men” do to women, reducing them to nothing but an object to be trampled on anyhow you want? I’ve seen a lot, from my mother to aunties, to colleagues at work, to neighbours, to friends, just name it. African women, especially, have suffered and are still suffering at the hands of you so-called men. I’m a Yoruba woman married to an Edo man and by next year, our marriage will be 30yrs. I am married but very, very lonely, but you will not know because I don’t show it, and also countless women. You can check the statistics of women in psychiatric hospitals. What brought them there? How they were treated by men!
I am a born again Christian, by His grace filled with the Holy Spirit. Recently, I was asking God why He saved me, because I can’t retaliate what my hus…no, father of my children, is doing to me: years of adultery and fornication, years of treating STDs, humiliation and embarrassment, and when I told him to his face, because of his ego pro max, he abandoned me since almost six years ago till today, because he knows I’m a child of God and I can’t have affairs with other men. My case is nothing compared to what other women had suffered at the hands of you so-called men!!!
So, Mr Awolaja, imagine if I’m not born again, what do you think I would do if I’m chanced to move abroad with my children’s dad? I would want to avenge those years of torture, neglect, embarrassment and shame meted out to me by the demon called husband. Women of my age (late 50s) might overlook all that I mentioned above and still spare the man even while abroad, but women of this new age won’t. They have seen the way their mothers, aunties, big sisters were treated by men here and have bottled the hate in them for years, so moving abroad, seeing the way women are protected and valued, this hate will be unleashed without mercy. It’s an understatement that your write up really pained me to my very bones but you have the right to say so because I don’t know what you’ve seen too, I’m so scared because I’m a mother of boys although I thank God that has helped me to raise them up well and in a Godly way, but I always advise them to treat their future wives with love, respect and dignity. It is well. Stay blessed Sir.
READ ALSO: JUST IN: UNIZIK expels female student for slapping lecturer over TikTok video