One of the most difficult things to handle by leaders and would be leaders is rejection. Rejection has made many commit suicide. Rejection has caused many to be discouraged, ruining bright and dazzling destiny. Over the years, I have had to counsel several people on the issue I am addressing this week. I am sure this piece is going to add some value to you. Let’s go!
It behooves on me to start with the heartwarming story of a Guinean—who became a citizen of the beautiful nation of France. I am talking about Paul Pogba. Paul is now the most expensive player on earth! How did he get to where he is today in his career as a footballer? I am so sure you want to know.
Some years ago, history has it that Paul Pogba left the manager’s office at the Manchester United in floods of tears. Devastated by what he felt was unfair treatment by Sir Alex Ferguson, the young Frenchman stalked out, turning his back on the Scot, vowing never to return. But some years after, the same person, who was rejected by Sir Alex Ferguson, was accepted by Jose Mourinho.
Paul Pogba did not allow his rejection stop him from playing football. He did not allow rejection to cause him to throw in the towel. From Manchester United, he moved to Juventus and continued to sharpen his skills and character. He was first a “normal player”, now he is the most expensive footballer on earth!
What do I want you to see about Paul Pogba? One, he did not allow what happened to him cause him to stop playing football. Two, he moved on with his life and career. He didn’t stay at the same place, crying so that everyone could pity him. Sitting at a place after being rejected cannot help you. You will need to move on with your life. Many leaders have refused to move on with their lives after they were rejected. Buddy, the problem is not that you were rejected; the problem is that you have refused to move on with your life and career.
Three, he started working on his character and capacity. And today, his story has changed. After you are rejected, begin to develop your character and capacity. Improve yourself so much that you’d become outstanding in your field of life. If you will not stop, a few years from now, the same place you were once rejected, you would be celebrated.
Please understand me that I am yet to see anyone who was rejected who did not end up great. Your destination is greatness, not shame. You are alone today and not many people want to associate with you, but I am here to challenge you today to rise from your state of despondency and start developing your capacity and character. For the umpteenth time, do not let rejection by men distract and discourage you, let it re-direct you.
I remember the story of Jephthah in the Bible. He woke up on a day like every other day, but he did not know what was awaiting him. I can picture him doing his domestic chores with joy, not knowing that his brothers were planning a blood-less coup for him. All of a sudden, they came to him, teaming up, and kicked him out of his father’s house. I am certain that he wept like Paul Pogba did. He felt as if his world had come to an end. He felt like committing suicide. He was betrayed by those he trusted.
There is something important I want you to see here. Jephthah’s brothers sent him out of the house, not out of the city. Instead of Jephthah to remain in the same city where he was rejected, he chose to relocate to the land of “Tob”. Also, Pogba was rejected from the Old Trafford, not England, but he chose to relocate to Italy. Pogba was in Italy until a need did arise and they ended up looking for him.
Jephthah was also in the land of “Tob”, developing his character and capacity to fight. The only thing Jephthah could do was to fight while Pogba can play football. You too will need to discover what you can do and do it very well.
One thing I do know like I do know my fingers is that those who rejected you would always end up in a dire need and the only saviour they shall need to bail them out will be you. God will put their advancement, progress, success in your hands. Where you have been rejected and no one wants to identify with you, the same place, you are going to become an excellence, joy of many generations. The same place, not another place!
The stone that was once rejected will always end up becoming the chief corner stone. If you will not allow temporary rejections of men cause you to stop working on your character and capacity, it will happen later that those who once rejected you shall not be able to survive without you.
As I begin to coast home, some years ago, a man came to my office, narrating his ordeal. He was rejected by someone very close to him. As an effect of this, he was welcoming each day with tears and sending it to bed with tears. His life and career stalled. He taught the end had come. I counseled with him and he was able to pick up the pieces of his life and began to develop his character and capacity. Today, the stone that was once rejected has become the chief corner stone!
Lastly, I am yet to see anyone who became great who has never been rejected in life. And I am yet to see anyone who was once rejected who did not end up great. Do not let rejection distract and discourage you, but let it re-direct you.
See you where great people are found!