They slaughtered one of the men in front of me.’

When Aisha first arrived the little girl was less than 2 kilos, dangerously underweight for a three-month-old child.
Aisha had no food or money, so did the only thing she could to keep the little girl alive, and breastfed her.
No milk was produced straight away as it is decades since Aisha had a child, and the baby’s weight plummeted to about 4lbs (1.9kg).
Eventually Aisha managed to get to charity staff with her three-month-old and was referred to a clinic where she is being helped by Dr Isaac Bot.
Dr Bot said: ‘Aisha came in with her granddaughter and was very anxious about where she was. Being from such a remote part of the country she was not familiar with hospitals.
‘She was jittery about the environment and was confused and apprehensive.
‘I asked if she was getting support from anywhere else and she said she had nobody. She broke down and cried when she told us this. It was very emotional.’
Staff helped her to cope and managed to help her breastfeed the infant.
Dr Bot added: ‘The milk was just beginning to flow but it was not sufficient.
‘We started a process called Supplementary Suckling Technique where we put a little tube into the baby’s mouth beside the nipple and so when the baby suckles it is rewarded with milk. This suckling also sends a message to Aisha’s brain to stimulate milk production.’

Thanks to the help of a doctor from the Save the Children clinic in Nigeria, the little girl is much healthier.

The grandmother faced tragedy when she lost her only daughter and then was forced to flee when the little girl’s father was captured by insurgents.
Save the Children says there are many women in remote villages in Nigeria who breastfeed other women’s babies because of the high numbers of mothers who die.
The doctor said: ‘Maternal mortality is quite high so we often see sisters suckling the children of their deceased sisters.
‘These support systems are very important. Any woman can breastfeed even if she has never had a child or hasn’t breastfed in many years as long as she regularly puts the baby to the breast. It’s free and anyone can do it.’
According to Save the Children, breastfeeding is the single most effective intervention to save children’s lives and could prevent 13 per cent of all under-five deaths if practiced properly.