The Director General, Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr Dayo Mobereola, has expressed concern over the rate of youth restiveness in Nigeria, particularly in the North East.
Speaking at the North East Trade Fair in Bauchi recently, the NIMASA DG highlighted the untapped potential of the region’s blue economy, noting that its exploitation could alleviate youth unemployment and reduce insecurity.
According to him, there is a need to woo more private investors to take advantage of the economic potential of the North East region, cutting across fishing, aquaculture, logistics, transportation, and tourism.
Speaking on the topic “Harnessing the Blue Economy Potential for Entrepreneurial Development: A Panacea for Youth Restiveness”, Mobereola said, “Youth restiveness in this region has taken political, religious, and economic dimensions, and as future leaders, if this is not urgently checked, it will spell doom for the Nigerian state.
“The youth of any given state are the engine of development. Therefore, a society with educated, disciplined, well-focused, and law-abiding youth will be heading for greatness, but regrettably, this is not the situation in the region where fear and insecurity have become the order of the day.
“It is imperative that in order to bring this situation under control, there is a need to realign entrepreneurial development to reflect the interests of Nigerian youths and also the need for government, organisations, stakeholders, and able individuals to promote and support entrepreneurship; hence, at the heart of this are the demands to engage and empower our youth meaningfully.
“The blue economy offers a unique avenue to drive entrepreneurship, wealth creation and job opportunities in the region, paving the way for sustainable economic development and significantly alleviating youth restiveness.”