Prophetess Mary Omolara Alarape, is the founder of the Christ Mount Zion Bethel Healing Ministry, Asese, Ogun State. In this interview with SEYI SOKOYA, she speaks on the way out of the current situation of Nigeria and her life in the vineyard as a church leader.
MOST prophecies that came from church leaders for 2023 was that the country predicted surplus for Nigerians but the situation of things in the country is suggesting otherwise since the new government took over. What actually happened?
The truth is that we have put our trust solely in men and that is very wrong. We are only expected to put our trust in God, because man will always fail. It is going to be a disaster if we put our trust in any government or leader. God should be our trust irrespective of any situation. He owns the time and season as well as the everlasting kingdom. He is all in all. He created us and He owns the heaven and earth. If you take a vivid look at previous governments, they are relatively not different from one another, because our hope in man is more that of God. If anyone neglects God, He will let such person fail through a man, because He wants everyone to put their trust in Him.
There is no other solution to the problem of the nation until we go back to God. Though we had series of prophecies before the election, see how God surpassed our imagination. It is only God that can prevail over the current situation of the country. We should all align with God and His ordinance and be hopeful that the liberation of the country and its fruitful dreams will come to pass.
To what extent is the church feeling the heat of the current situation?
Yes, it has really affected the church. I can accurately speak of my ministry. We have only been able to push on through the trust in God in the current situation of the country. It has not been so easy running the church at this present state of the nation, but we have always to our trust in God who is the great provider.
Many people that come to church today based their means of livelihood on the clerics. The offerings and tithes have reduced drastically. Here, we are privileged to feed people and church will be filled up when it is time to feed people. The removal of subsidy affects everyone. We shifted from diesel to solar because of the high cost. Now we are back to diesel, because it doesn’t serve us enough. There is chaos in the land and only if we can get directives from God before all things return to normalcy.
Do you think the church is doing enough for the liberation of the nation?
We are playing a major role, especially for this end time. We are commitment in impacting positively on the nation and the people. The current problem of the nation is forcing everyone to adjust, but this is not the plan of God for our dear nation. We need to act fast and put things right. As for me, I prefer to be a quiet intercessor for the nation, and I know that God will answer our prayers. Collective prayer is also essential; we must all come together to intercede for the nation. Even those that have exotic cars can’t use them anymore because of the cost of fuel. The cost of living in Nigeria is unbearable now, so, we all need to seek the face of God in prayer and put our trust in him totally for a great change.
Could you recall how the ministry started and how you received the call?
I am of the opinion that anyone whom God has called should wait patiently in God’s presence to define the calling so as not to trespass. This singular effort made the calling go smoothly. Personally, I had a directive and at the same time I handed over the ministry to God right from the onset and He took charge fully since it began. I received the call about 27 years ago, but I totally surrendered to God about 17 years ago. When I surrendered totally to God right from that year my problems and affliction became a thing if the past, because His voice was my strength. I was a successful businessman before the call. My parents, especially my father tried their best to ensure that I go to school, but all effort failed because of the devil’s affliction. I went through hell in the journey of life, but the rest is history today.
When the ministry wanted to start, God took me through a vision to path a big place. I could not see the end of the road, and I was jittery. So, I asked God what was happening, and He replied that this is how large the ministry he is putting in my hands would be, and that I can’t see the end. It took me another five years to undergo the study of the temple. I thank God for the journey so far.
You are one of the few female clerics that has added great influence into the vineyard. How do you feel about this?
It is a rare privilege. I don’t see any woman working for God talking the place of men. It is God that is manifesting in whoever that surrendered his or herself to God. He uses such person beyond human comprehension. The confidence that one has in God will make one deliver His works with great boldness. God sent a great helper to me after five years of studying the temple. A family built the church as a fulfillment of the vow they made to God. The church was built and handed over to me on May 15, 2011. I have been called several names and mocked before God’s manifestation on the ministry, but God silenced all mockers with the great transformation. Going forward, people also limited God in my life because of errors were put to shame. Above all, God prevailed and has made the ministry continue to flourish since we started at Moba town, Asese, along Lagos/Ibadan expressway about 13 years ago. I have endured to stay on my lane and abide with God and follow His ordinance. I don’t want to copy anyone, and God has never failed me.
How were you able to convince your husband and children to over the calling?
You know that in the beginning of the gospel in Old Testament, women are not allowed to mount the altar, but Jesus Christ’s death restored and reformed the temple, and the grace was extended to the women. There are some women that did excellently well in the Old Testament, such as Deborah. This even gave me more confidence that God who used Deborah in the scripture that men did not counter her calling, is the mighty one that is behind my calling too. The challenge I encountered at the initial stage was that my husband would query that who was talking to me that if I told him I heard God’s voice. I told God to prove to him that it was truly from Him.
He eventually realised that it was truly from God through the confirmation of the revelations that came afterward. My husband bought a land for my in the same town where we have our church today, but the land was snatched from us. He tied to get another one for me in the same area, right behind where our church is located. While we are passing that day, I told him that I like the land, unknown to be that was where the church would be built by the good Samaritan. I was very submissive to him till the point of his death. He prayed for me and promised to be my guiding angel.
He acknowledged that its God indeed called me and said that I should not derail. I miss him so much and know that he is resting in the bosom of God, because he knew God and supported the ministry before he went to rest seven years ago.
Being a woman as a leader of a church comes with a lot of challenges and I have always been enjoying God’s wisdom in handling things and becoming an exemplary leader. I want to use this means to advise the women in the vineyard that our calling must start from our homes, especially on our husbands and children. Our home is our main priority.
You clocked 60 today, how do you feel, and you envisaged you will attain this stage looking at your journey in life?
Looking back, the journey of my life encountered a great challenge to the extent that I cannot imagine that I will witness the age of 60. I grew up into a family war. It was a family that fought with children, because my father married 13 wives and had 46 children. I encountered different problems that affected my life negatively. But I have known God since I was little, and I would run to a relative who is a prophet, and he would always pray for me. I had several accidents that affected my two hands and legs. I am just a living testimony, because people will doubt that I have being through hell mere seeing me now. I have received great mercy from God. My head had broken in three different places, but God has not allowed me to run mad. I have a lot of scare all over my body. I do not have the privilege to go to school among my siblings, but I received a divine grace.
Several problems surfaced when the ministry started in 2011. God instructed me not to any publicity about the ministry and I adhered, but to my surprise God has proclaimed the church beyond my imagination. In September 2014, the enemy of gospel brought coffin to the front of the church for about three hours on a broad daylight. It was a display of pallbearers and the later left. This led to pandemonium in the community. I got home from a prayer mountain few minutes before the incident. While they were outside, I felt the impact of what they brought in the room. I was spiritually attacked; It was like a spray of bullets. They expected me to die as a result of that attack, but God restored my life. Another terrifying incident that I encountered was when thunder stroke me during church anniversary, but God also prevailed. So far, my 60 years journey in life has been through divine mercy. I dedicated this celebration to God and as a testimony to ignite those that has lost hope in Christ. I have devoted my life for God, and I will continue to do His will even after 60.