How was your experience in the Big Brother house?
It was unlike anything I had done before in my life. It was fun, exciting, intriguing; it was everything and more.
Do you feel surprised about being evicted this early?
Yes, I was surprised that I was evicted. It was a big shock to me. Even my housemates did not see it coming. They thought I was one of the strongest in the house, and it was really sad. But you know, it is a game and once your time is up, it is up.
What do you intend to do from here having left the Big Brother house?
Before I went into the House I have been a business man. I sell cars. I import auction cars from the United States, clean them up and sell them. I also run a table water factory. I went into the House to win the money and expand the business. That was the plan. Nevertheless, this is the biggest platform in Africa. It has exposed me to the world. I am looking forward to having every opportunity that I can get making money and doing my business because I have always been a businessman.
Looking back, would you have changed your strategy in the house, considering you were the only one who declared that you are a married man?
I am a stand-up guy. I do not need to follow any script or behave like anybody. This is my life. This is my story. I am a married man and I had to put it out there because I cannot deny anybody. I went in with my pride and I came out with my pride. I am proud of myself, my family is proud of me, and that is the most important thing.
Who are you rooting for to win the grand prize?
Phyna is the person I would want to win. She is the most authentic person in the House. I have seen her as a ‘razz’ person when she came in, I have seen her as a lover girl, I have seen her as a good African woman. She practically fed me throughout my stay in the House. Number two on my list would be Bryann. He is very talented. I think it is his time to shine because he has been under the radar for so long. Number three on my list would be Hermes. He is very entertaining.
How was it like not communicating with the outside world during your stay in the House?
It is very tough to be in that house, in that space without your phone, without knowing what people are saying. Sometimes you just sit and question yourself, “What’s happening out there?” Especially for me that left my wife in a critical condition. Sometimes I just zone out and think about how she is doing, my business how it is going. Businesses are like babies. You have to be there. I think about my family, I think about my mum. Sometimes you will want to think, but it is also very good that Big Brother always kept us occupied. We were always doing physical activities, always playing games. That actually helped us.
While you were in the House, we learnt through your social media handler that you lost your son. At what point did you find out about it and how was it like handling such situation?
It was really sad. I left my wife expecting a baby. I was sure that I would come out of the House to meet my son. At a point I even had this conversation with Beauty, and we agreed that she would be the godmother of my child, to tell you how expectant I was. All through my stay in the House I had no idea what was happening. On my eviction day when I got out, I still did not know on that day. It was the next day the Big Brother team came to me. The psychologist spoke to me and it was really sad because I was also battling with eviction. The fact that I was disappointed that I was evicted at that time, and then adding this sad story to it. It was really sad. I reached out to my wife, I reached out to my family, because we are all we have. We talked and we agreed as a family for me to continue [the media rounds], but I can tell you for a fact that my family is okay.
What is the next thing for you now that you have left the House?
Like I said, I am still new in the entertainment space, but I have always been and will always be a businessman. My businesses are still going on. I am looking forward to expanding, trying out new things and exploring the entertainment industry. I pray and hope I get opportunities of people doing business with me, that people find me worthy of representing their brand.