Sadly, road accidents are inevitable, but, the good thing is, they are preventable only if car owners are willing to do the things necessary behind the wheel. Road users are implored to follow all traffic rules and avoid reckless driving. Here are some great tips to help you avoid road traffic accidents and arriving safely instead:
Ensure your seatbelts are fastened
Seat belts are designed to reduce the risk of death by as much as 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by almost 50%. Surprisingly, some car users only use their seatbelts at the sight of traffic officials to evade being fined. Use your belts and be sure other passengers buckle up too.
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Do not take your hands off the steering wheel
Properly holding the steering wheel of your vehicle is an important safety precaution to observe every time you get behind the wheel. Be conscious of your posture, body position, and hand placement while driving. The 10 past 10 time position on the clock is the most advisable for any driver. Reduce in-car distractions such as changing radio stations or CDs, cell phones, eating or momentarily taking a hand off the wheel.
Never use your cell phone
There is no good reason to be talking on a cell phone while you are driving, this is extremely distracting and dangerous. If you do not have a hands-free model, you will likely have to look at the phone to dial numbers. Even with a hands-free, you will be talking, which will distract you from your driving. Put the phone away, if you do need to make a call, wait until you are parked.
Do not tailgate.
Leave a ten-second cushion between you and the car in front of you and begin your journey early enough so you don’t speed to make up time. Allow extra room ahead, then, if you need to, you can slow down gradually and avoid using the brake suddenly to avoid being hit from behind by another tailgater. As tempting as it may be when in a hurry, tailgating is a major cause of accidents.
Never drink and drive
Drinking and driving puts you and others, including bystanders and pedestrians on the road at risk for injuries and even death. When you consume alcoholic drinks, your sense of judgement is impaired, and your vision may not be the greatest either. Remember, this also includes driving while under the influence of any drugs, including narcotics.
Follow speed limits
Simply put, speed limits help limit your speed, which in turn limits the amount of time it takes you to stop your vehicle. If you are driving within the posted speed limit, you will not have this problem, because you will be driving a speed that makes it easy to stop quickly if necessary. It is not just pedestrians you need to worry about another driver may also not be paying attention and run a red light, and you need to be going slowly enough to be able to react on time.
Ignore aggressive drivers
There are going to be some drivers who do some pretty crazy things, they drive at dangerous speeds, cut other drivers off, sooner or later, you are going to be faced with one of these people. The best thing to do in a case like this is to try and get as far out of their way as possible. If they are crawling up behind you, honking their horn, slow down and allow them. The quicker you can get them away from you, the safer you will be.
Please could you tutor me on the type of coolant that l can use for a Toyota echo car. l just read now that there are divers range for different cars. Thanks. 08100520***
Every engine has an optimum operating temperature and same applies to your vehicle. Most engines are water-cooled but in this case a radiator coolant which most times double as antifreeze. Anti freeze contains rust-inhibitors, included but not limited to the ethyl-glycol. Coolants generally have a lower freezing point and a higher boiling point to enable it work effectively. In the case of your vehicle, the recommended coolant will be “Toyota long-life coolant” which is expected to be replaced every 30,000 Miles(Thirty thousand miles). However, it is important to flush the cooling system before filling it with this coolant, as mixture with other types of coolant could lead to a major damage in the engine.
Thank you, your information is useful, my car problem was not mentioned in “Your Brake Before You Break” article. The problem is the brake always holds down, sometimes the brake disk becomes really hot. I have worked on the Servo, Master Cylinder, Calliper and ABS Distributor. Till Now the problem still remains the same. 07010528***
The brake system on your vehicle according to your description is an hydraulic system which is equally equipped with an anti lock brake system. The “brake binding” could be from a defective anti-lock braking system control module. Oftentimes, it is as a result of a restricted brake plumbing system. Owing to the fact that you claim that the Brake Booster (Servo), Callipers, and Master Cylinder has been worked on tends to rule out the possibilities of those unit being defective, that is assuming the job was done by a professional. It’s high time the plumbing gets inspected. The inspection should be thorough. The anti-lock brake system, through the various hoses, and the brake master cylinder should be scrutinised . The biggest suspect in this case would be a collapse in the flexible brake hose causing restriction in the return of fluid to the brake master cylinder thereby keeping pressure on the piston in the brake callipers. This usually occurs when service technicians allow the brake callipers hang freely by the hose, when working on the suspension. Finally run a diagnostic scan on the anti-lock braking system to rule out any electronic-mechanical fault.
Good Morning, Please I have an accord 06 v6, I noticed the gear oil is below the lower point on the dipstick when put on drive, but it’s just above the upper mark when not engaged.
Is it due for me to think of adding oil or draining and replacing, and which oil can I use. Hoping to hear from you soon. 0806263****
The recommended transmission fluid for Honda Accord 2006 V6 is the Honda DW-1 ATF, and the correct procedure for checking the level of transmission fluid is to run the engine till it reaches the optimum operating temperature (Half way on the temperature gauge) which could be achieved faster by driving the vehicle for a few kilometres, park the vehicle on a level ground, the gear selector in park while the engine is running, pull out the transmission dipstick and wipe it clean with a white handkerchief or white tissue paper, replace the dipstick in the through and pull out again. Fluid level should be at the maximum or in between minimum and maximum. Observe the white handkerchief or white tissue, the fluid should not be black or smell burnt, either of which suggests a heavy wear in the transmission or major damage. Transmission fluid should be replaced every 30 thousand kilometres or two years, whichever comes first.