In today’s digital age, data breaches and cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent, posing significant threats to individuals, businesses, and governments.
In light of this, Abimbola Ogunjinmi has now called for robust data security, pointing out how critical it is in this report.
Ogunjinmi, a technology infrastructure deployment leader and cybersecurity enthusiast, calls for the immediate and widespread adoption of encryption technologies to protect sensitive information.
His recent work on encryption of data at rest, highlighted in his article “Encryption of Data at Rest: The Cybersecurity Last Line of Defense” published in the July 2024 edition of Cyber Defense Magazine, underscores the urgent need for comprehensive encryption strategies across all forms of data.
Encryption, the process of converting information into unreadable code to prevent unauthorised access, is a fundamental aspect of data security.
There are three primary types of data that require encryption: data in use, which includes information currently being processed, stored, or accessed; data in transit, which is information travelling across networks, such as through emails or web traffic; and data at rest, which includes information stored on devices or servers, not actively moving through networks.
Encrypting data in transit is essential to prevent interception and unauthorised access during transmission.
This includes securing emails, online transactions, and any data transferred over the internet. One critical component of this is ensuring that all websites are HTTPS-compliant.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts data between the user’s browser and the website, safeguarding sensitive information from eavesdroppers.
Businesses, governments, and organisations must prioritise implementing HTTPS to protect user data and maintain trust.
While encryption of data in transit is crucial, Ogunjinmi, who is also a senior member of IEEE and a fellow of IMC, emphasises that encrypting data at rest is equally vital. Data at rest includes all stored data, whether on physical servers, cloud storage, or individual devices.
Encrypting this data ensures that even if physical security measures fail and storage devices are compromised, the information remains inaccessible without the proper decryption keys.
Abimbola Ogunjinmi, known for his groundbreaking work in telecommunications and IT security, has been a vocal advocate for encryption. He has conducted extensive research on encryption methods, focusing on making the encryption of data at rest both efficient and resource-effective.
His proposed incremental encryption scheme offers a promising solution, delivering robust security without the heavy resource demands typically associated with encryption processes.
Ogunjinmi’s work highlights the necessity for all technological equipment to support encryption as a standard feature. He argues that the widespread adoption of encryption across all devices and systems will significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks.
Abimbola Ogunjinmi urges governments, businesses, agencies, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and IT professionals to embrace comprehensive encryption strategies.
He calls for mandatory encryption protocols, where governments should mandate encryption standards for all technology equipment to ensure baseline security measures are in place.
Encryption of data in transit must be ensured by all websites complying with HTTPS standards to protect data travelling across networks. Encryption of data at rest should be implemented by businesses and organisations for all stored data, safeguarding it from unauthorised access. All communication devices, such as routers, switches, mobile phones, computers, storage devices, and transmission equipment, must support encryption as a minimum feature.
In an era where data security is paramount, the adoption of robust encryption technologies is not just a recommendation but a necessity. Abimbola Ogunjinmi’s advocacy and research on the encryption of data at rest provide a clear roadmap for enhancing data security.
By implementing comprehensive encryption strategies, we can protect sensitive information, maintain privacy, and build a more secure digital future.
Governments, businesses, and professionals must heed this call to action and prioritise the encryption of data across all forms and stages.
Only through collective effort and commitment can we mitigate the risks posed by cyber threats and safeguard our digital world.
Ogunjinmi is a technology solutions and infrastructure deployment leader and a passionate cybersecurity enthusiast.
With a rich background in telecommunications and IT, he has made significant contributions to the field, particularly in the area of data security.
His articles, such as “Encryption of Data at Rest: The Cybersecurity Last Line of Defense” and “The Cybersecurity Landscape: Emerging Threats & Advanced Defenses” published in Cyber Defense Magazine, provide insights that are shaping modern cybersecurity strategies.
Abimbola is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), a member of Project Management Institute (PMI) USA, a senior member of the world’s largest professional organisation IEEE, and a member of the prestigious
Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), and a certified rollout manager by Alcatel-Lucent.
He continues to inspire and drive advancements in technology through his research, advocacy, and leadership.