We are in a democratic era where every individual has the right to express himself, express his opinion and perspective concerning various matters which affect him. The advent of globalisation and technology has however made the world a small village, brought people together and has given them the opportunity to make known their views concerning issues of public interest.
With technology, news travel faster than electricity, hence a rumour spread by a false source can cause harm to the reputation of an individual. The media as a platform is now being used by people to disseminate hate speeches thereby affecting public opinion about an individual, group and the government. Most people do not care to verify the source and credibility of information, but instead accept the information ‘hook, line and sinker’ and spread the falsehood. This spread goes on and on.
It is rather unfortunate that hate speeches is now commonly used by the people without thinking about the ultimate end result. Hate speeches has led to various crisis in the country and at times heat up the polity. With the recent herdsmen crisis among several other crises, there should be concerted efforts to end hate speeches in the country. Hate speeches is morally degrading, harmful and can blow a tense situation out of proportion, hence, the need for the media to ensure that its ‘Gates’ are effectively and efficiently monitored to check the increasing trend of hate speeches.
Also, there is need for proper sensitiation and the regulatory bodies should keep a tab on radio stations as it has been observed that some of their presenters tend to sensationalise issues out of proportion during their press review in Yoruba.
There is also the need for government to up its game to check hate speeches and all hands must be on deck to ensure that the negative trend of hate speeches is stopped. In order for Nigeria to thrive and progress, everyone should be patriotic by voicing ideas on how the nation can grow and develop and not hate speeches.
- Oyefeso Beauty Priscilla,
Bodija, Ibadan.