No matter where you are in the world, you’ll agree with me that it is very easy to identify a Nigerian a mile off. It is either by their demeanor, dressing, the manner of speech or use of words. When in a business meeting, Nigerians sign their nationality by making statements like, “We are the first ever to do so and so” or “We are the only one in this market.”
These statements as well as others, spare not people in high ranking positions neither does it respect social stratification. They are symptoms of a religious annexation to fallacies and the undying love for Monopoly and recognition.
Our firms, government as well as individuals, seek dominion across the spectrum. Those in the business sector want to dominate the market, dictate pricing and profit perpetually from the market. Little wonder the aim of most is usurping political power enough to own everything that works across sectors. It explains why politicians own/fund media outfits since the very first leg to ruling the market is to control group minds, beliefs and ideas of the masses.
Public intellectuals and authors have argued that monopoly, however desirable is the failure of capitalism. When Monopoly is ignited (especially in our clime, with the aid of government), the consumer no longer has a choice, prices escalate and innovation plunges with the forceful gag on the voice of the consumer public.
Since we are being factual, looking around you today, you will see glaringly that this is the summary of what is happening across spectrum, while our government pays lip service to creating enabling environment or ease of doing business on paper.
Insane climes, the task of government is to ensure equity across the market (including the socio-political clime), making sure monopoly is discouraged via objective and lawful intervention to create a level playing field for all. But sadly we pretend that there is a market in Nigeria.
We pretend we have a choice despite the ironies that proliferate our economic and social-political clime. Even the ruling party tries as much as possible to obliterate the opposition, under the pretense of fighting corruption just to eradicate the thought of an alternative, while maintaining a political monopoly.
Gone were the days when those who rig the systems wear a veil. Today, their actions are hidden in plain sight. The IG of Police clearly declared his support for murderous Fulani Militia and has never hidden his partisanship, yet we tell ourselves we have a Police Structure that serves and protect the people.
We hear and read stories daily about extrajudicial killings, extortion at gunpoint and indiscriminate abductions by Police/SARS across Nigeria yet we don’t see this as a threat to our democracy and the destruction of our civilization.
How many startups get government intervention or attract angel capitalists? Do we even have angel capitalists in a country where we ignore the deaths of hundreds across geopolitical zones each passing day? What choice is left for the citizenry in a pseudo-republic where democracy is practiced in name only?
A country where children are imported from neighboring countries and swiftly registered to vote just to perpetuate the enemy of our democracy in power as facilitated by INEC and the partisan Police. Is this not an irony of choice?
These are no happenstances, the events we are experiencing across the board are deliberately and surgically orchestrated but the majority often prefer to live in suspended animation than awakening to reality.
There is a hive, lattice, pyramid or circle out there organized to keep us in the perpetual loop of sorrows, tears and blood, yet we normalize and wait until it gets to our doorstep. Some will tell you that there is nothing more we can do to unshackle ourselves but this is yet another lie from the pit of hell.
While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning for those who will listen to the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country isn’t there?
Cruelty, injustice, intolerance and oppression especially where once we had the freedom to object, to think and speak as we saw fit, we now have surreptitious censors, gags, intimidation and surveillance coercing our conformity and soliciting our submission. How did we get here? Who is to blame?
Certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others and they would be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
You fearfully played into the hands of the aberration that promised you better economy, security, N1=$1 and other inanities you couldn’t process when emotions were high under the strain, silent obedience and consent but fairness, equity, Justice are more than words. They are perspectives.
If the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you look into the eyes of your children and confess your complicit as it blights their future.
There is no iota of truth in the assumption that “At a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.” We have the power, rights and choice to dig our feet in and say ENOUGH! Power in the hands of those that lack honesty lacks a moral compass, without which it runs amok and bathe in the blood of innocent citizens. We sure can put an end to this for our children’s sake.
Our situation is not fatalistic. Success, victory and triumph in life come when we all simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss only act as motivation.
It is time the people begin to structure, galvanize and organize themselves in unity. Enlighten yourselves and build systems via strategic communication towards the deliverance of our country. It is time to arise o compatriots, to Nigeria’s Call…will you Obey?
Get your PVC and be ready to vote and protect your votes.