PASTOR Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), says God has promised to give Nigerians new names to represent the change He has brought about them.
Adeboye said this in Abuja on Monday night at the opening of the 2018 Holy Ghost Congress with the theme: “Glory Ahead’’.
The general overseer told his congregation that they had received the name of God that they would wear proudly, adding that the name would be a proof to others that they belonged to God.
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“Before God ever created the world, He formed a plan to adopt us into his kingdom. It brings him great pleasure to make us part of His heavenly family.
“Whoever trusts in Jesus for forgiveness of sins, the one who is the `Name above all names,’’ receives a new name `Christian’’ and also a new life, a new purpose, and a new destiny.
“When God changes a name, it indicates that something new has happened or will happen to that person; a new relationship, a new character quality, or a new phase of life.
“We see a similar occurrence today because when a wife takes the name of her husband it represents a change in her life both in the eyes of God and of society.”
Adeboye said that those who would go to heaven would receive a new name and that they would no longer be called by their earthly names.
He charged the congregation to arise and shine for their light had come and the glory of the Lord had risen upon them.
He also called on them to arise and take their rightful place as the light of the world so that those in darkness would see.
The cleric admonished his congregation to make an impact by being “the salt of the earth; but that what good is the salt if it has lost its flavour?’’
“You and I, as Christians, are called the salt of the earth because our lives enhance and give meaning to this existence we call life.
“We are the salt of the earth because Jesus called us by that name and the implication is that we are to bring joy to people.
“Salt is a dietary mineral used for flavouring and preservation needed by all known living creatures and if abused, it can be harmful.
“However, it is also detrimental to have no salt intake because it regulates the water content in our bodies.
“Jesus used salt to describe how Christians are needed to bring balance and hope to an otherwise dying world,” he said.
Adeboye said that the glory of Christians would begin to manifest because they belonged to the body of Christ.
He told the congregation that no one would be able to shut any door against them again because God had the keys.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the six-day inter-Church event would end on Saturday, Dec. 8.
The Church has a strong presence in 197 countries around the world from where members are expected to attend the congress.
This year’s congress is the 21st in the series. It started in 1998 in Lekki with a massive attendance that nearly brought Lagos to a standstill.
Since then the attendance has continued to surge which is partly the reason the church build a new three-kilometre-by-three-kilometre auditorium called, `The New Arena’ to seat up to six million people.