All over the world, we’ll find animals that come in different shapes and sizes; some have rare interesting names, and others have simple names that are easy to grasp.
In this article, let’s explore some amazing animals that start with “F.” There’s so much to learn about them, whether they live on land, in trees, in the air, or the sea
1. Falcon
This bird is well known for its speed. It is a fast and powerful bird with sharp claws and tough beaks that help it catch its food. Its pretty sharp eyes make it easy for it to catch its prey.
2. Fennec Fox
The Fennec Fox is another animal that starts with “F”. It lives in the hot deserts of North Africa. It has a small frame, big ears that help it easily locate its prey, and fast legs that aid speed when it runs through the desert.
3. Ferret
This playful, fun, smart, mischievous, and curious animal is slowly becoming people’s pet. It is small, long, and has furs and sharp teeth. It loves to explore and hide in small corners.
4. Finch
This animal that starts with “F” is a small, adorable, colourful bird famous for its cheerful songs. It exists in different types and species all over the world.
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5. Fish
It lives in water and cannot survive without it. It breathes through its gills and comes in different shapes, colours, species, and sizes. Some of them are as tiny as a Guppy while others are as huge as a Whale.
6. Fishing Cat
These animals are mostly found near rivers and swamps because they can swim and catch fish with their feet. They have nothing against water touching them, unlike other cats.
7. Flamingo
This animal is a tall bird with pink feathers and long legs. When a flamingo eats food like shrimp and algae, it determines its colour. This special bird loves to stand on one leg as a sign of rest for reasons yet to be unfolded.
8. Flying Fish
Another animal that starts with “F” is this omnivorous fish that can’t fly like birds but can glide over water and stay in the air. This happens especially when they want to escape from predators such as tuna and dolphins.
9. Frigatebird
This bird is unique, especially its male, who is popularly known for puffing up red throat sacs to attract females during their mating season.
10. Frog
This animal, which starts with “F,” has smooth, damp skin and large eyes. It’s an amphibian that can live in both water and on land. A fun fact is that its male has vocal sacs – pouches of skin that contain air. According to the American Museum of Natural History, they are the first land animals with vocal cords.
Summarily, animals that start with ‘F’ are different shades of colourful, unique, fun, curious, and interesting. Which other animals do you find interesting?