Cooking Ogbono soup, a Nigerian dish, in step-by-step instructions 

History of Ogbono Soup 

Ogbono soup is a Nigerian dish made with finely ground dry ogbono seeds. Research shows that the seeds were first grown in the Southern Part of Nigeria, and also originated from the same place.  

According to research by Chris Chinaka and J.C. Obiefuna, Ogbono is an indigenous forest tree associated with plants classified as ‘non-timber forest products. It is also called “African Mango”. 

What ogbono is called among different tribes 

In Nigeria, it has different names according to tribes. Igbo calls it Ogbono and some in this tribe call it ugiri. In Bini it is called “Ogwi”, “Pekpeara” in Nupe, “Oro” in Yoruba, “Uyo” in Efik. 


How to cook ogbono soup 

According to Winifred Nwania the host of a cooking show called  “Zelicious Foods”, here is a detailed guide for cooking Ogbono Soup.  

Recipe for ogbono soup 

  • ½ Ccup of ground ogbono 
  • ¾ hot palm oil 
  • Cooked goat meat 
  • Cooked beef 
  • Cooked shaki also called tripe 
  • Cooked kponmo also called cow skin 
  • 5 red scotch bonnet pepper 
  • 5 yellow scotch bonnet pepper 
  • 1 large onion bulb 
  • 3 garlic cloves 
  • 1 cup shredded dry fish 
  • 1 cup shredded stock fish 
  • Opeyi (this is optional) 
  • 2 seasoning cubes 
  • 2 tablespoon of ground crayfish 
  • 7 cups of beef stock or water 
  • ½ tablespoon dry pepper 
  • 1 ½ cup of chopped Okra 
  • 1 cup of chopped pumpkin leaves 
  • ½ cup shredded Uziza leaves 
  • Salt to taste 


Step-by-step procedure for cooking ogbono soup 


  • Add some warm palm oil into a mixing bowl followed by the ground ogbono 
  • Mix thoroughly with a spoon till a thick paste is formed. 
  • Transfer your meat stock to a pot placed on medium heat. The stock is gotten from cooking the meat for the soup.  
  • Add your onions in pepper blend mix -red and yellow scotch pepper bonnets, one bulb of onion, and garlic cloves. 
  • Add your crayfish powder and opeyi, and salt to taste. 
  • Stir and cover pot and allow to simmer for 3 to 4 minutes.  
  • Add the ogbono paste and stir to dissolve completely.  
  • Allow to simmer for few minutes. It will become thick. 
  • Add the shaki, kponmo, beef and goat meat to the ogbono soup.  
  • Add stock fish. 
  • Give it a good stir to combine 
  • Allow to cook for 5 to 7 minutes. 
  • Chop your vegetables. 
  • Add the chopped okra and vegetables and give it one final stir.  




  • Closing or opening the pot while cooking does not determine the form of the ogbono, as opposed to the myth that it will not draw if closed.  
  • Eat with Eba or swallow of your choice.  


More interesting about Ogbono soup 

Ogbono is a soup that is similar to Ewedu or okra because of how slimy it is. The ogbono is made up of ground seeds, water and palm oil, it usually contains meat, fish  and seasonings like ground pepper, Vegetables like Uziza, ugwu also known as pumpkin leaves, bitter leaf.  

You can add goat meat, Kponmo, offals also called ‘tinu eran’ in Yoruba, beef, fish, chicken, crayfish, dry fish, bush meat, mushrooms and any other protein of your choice. 

You could also add okra and tomatoes. Onions, locust beans also called Iru in Yoruba can all be added to the ogbono soup.  

What can you eat with Ogbono soup?  

Eba, pounded yam, Semolina, wheat meal are good choices to accompany Ogbono soup. 

It can be eaten with Fufu or with pounded yam. In other countries the soup may be available in packaged prepared form in some markets that specialize in Western African foods. Ogbono soup has a  slimy texture, similar to okra soup. 


Nutritional facts about Ogbono Soup 

Eating meals with great nutritional value is an added advantage to your balanced diet. Below are some facts about the nutritional value of this Nigerian dish, ogbono soup.  

  • The fruit and seeds of the ogbono (African mango) tree have so much nutrients in them.. 
  • The seeds are rich sources of fats, protein, carbs, iron, calcium, and antioxidants. 
  • 100 grams of the seeds will provide you with about 595 calories and the following nutrients [1]: 
  • Fat 
  • Carbohydrates 
  • Protein 
  • Water 
  • Dietary fiber 
  • Calcium 
  • Iron 
  • Potassium 

Unlike some other varieties like Irvingia wombulu that produces bitter fruits, the fruits of African Mango are fleshy and edible. The pulp is rich in vitamin C and yields about 70% juice. 

The edible part is a good source of calories, fats, carbohydrates, protein, water, calcium, and vitamin c. 


Ogbono soup made from African Mango has the following health benefits 

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