In life, people pass things down from one generation to another as legacies. These include property, wealth, knowledge, etc. Among these beautiful things, why do elders say education is the best legacy anyone can have? Some students of MEDMINA COLLEGE, Ibadan, share their views on this question.
Basit Oladini, 11 yrs old, JSS 3
I strongly believe that education is the best legacy. I have observed that the chances of the educated ones achieving set goals are very high in the journey of life but illiteracy at one point creates a vacuum. The uneducated have overtime appreciated education and therefore, invested in it through their children in order to enjoy its benefits. They have weighed the options. The benefits of education to the student, parents and by extension, the society is beyond using it to get white-collar jobs. A parent might not have a business to leave for the children after their demise, but if they were able to give the children formal education, that would open doors that the unschooled might not have. The elders must have weighed the options between giving education as a legacy and other forms of it before coming to the conclusion that education is the best.
Asma Yasmin Shuaib, 15 yrs old, SSS 2
Education is the best legacy and tool which aids critical thinking needed in solving problems in the society. It helps in personal development which is the ability to know oneself, what one wants and also to adapt to situation of things. It is a tool for career opportunity on which one plans to survive and also contribute positively to the development of the society and the nation.
Through the help of education, a chain for global awareness that unites the world especially through the knowledge of technology, science, and culture, to mention a few is developed. Without proper education, none of all these would be possible. I believe it is the best legacy.
Khadijah Hassan, 13 yrs old, JSS 2
I totally agree that education is the best legacy because without it, there will be no platform to continually produce professionals in various fields such as doctors, lawyers, computer engineers and the like who have transformed the society with their wealth of knowledge from time to time. If the education professionals acquired had stopped at one generation, the society would have been affected negatively. With this view, you see why parents should give their children education for a better future, country and society.
Fareedah Adebesin, 11 yrs old, JSS 1
I strongly believe that education is the best legacy for anyone because we all will need it at one point in life. One cannot over-emphasise the importance of education for the fact that it is the only way to learning, acquiring as well as imparting knowledge. If a child is granted access to material things but he or she is not guided, it will not be long before such is squandered. However, being educated lasts a lifetime. No one can take it away from you as seen in this quote by B.B King: “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody takes it away from you.”
Salaou Ajani, 17 yrs old, SSS 3
The statement is valid because it serves as a catalyst to success both physically and mentally. Education is the best legacy to pass to younger ones by their parents or relatives. It is the best thing for one to experience in order to banish illiteracy. Education will surely guide one in one’s daily affairs. Owing to the fact that education is the process of acquiring knowledge, it is the best gift a child could have or a parent could pass down. Education edifies one’s character and guides one’s way of life.
Fuad Adeleke, 15 yrs old, SSS 1
One of the greatest attributes of education is that it never dies rather it helps to nurture one’s passion. Of a truth, I consider it the best legacy parents/guardians can leave behind for a child to find fulfillment in life. Anything you do in life requires a form of education either formal or informal. Education is the process of training and learning to develop or improve skills and has a way of polishing an individual. Some argue that a lot people with formal education find it difficult to get employment, it is true but it does not go on like that forever. At one point in such people’s lives, the education still opens doors for them because what they have, they give. Every young one should be eager to receive this lasting legacy.